Reports from the national round table meetings published!

In frame of the project Partner Universities were organizing Round table meetings of mediators, teachers and trainers who are involved in teaching mediation.

Round Table meetings took place in 6 countries:
Austria, Graz, University of Graz – December 12, 2016.;
Lithuania, Vilnius, Mykolas Romeris University - January 11, 2017.;
Czech Republic, University of Economics, Prague – January 12, 2017.;
Latvia, Riga, Turiba University – January 17, 2017.;
Italy, Genoa, University of Genoa - January 17, 2017.;
Bulgaria, Sofia, University of National and World Economy - January 18, 2017.
These events were organized with the aim to encourage debate on mediation as well as to identify the needs and existing problems in the field of mediation in general and especially - training.

All findings were summarized in the Report. You are welcome to download it here!