In Vilnius, Lithuania, from 24th till 25th January took place an international mediation tournament with 10 specially selected best teams from 8 countries.

Students within two days not only took part in mock plays, but also had the opportunity to listen to lectures and master classes to complement their knowledge in mediation. Students improved their international collaboration skills and dispute resolution skills in civil and commercial matters. The tournament took place in three rounds, and each student was judged as a mediator, as a legal aid provider to the client, as well as a client defending his/her interests and negotiating. The judges evaluated students’ activity during the process, the methods and techniques used by students in dispute resolution, as well as the cooperation skills in the mediation process. Within two days students had opportunity to demonstrate their abilities and even improve them by learning from the strong players in the tournament.

The first place was won by a team of students from Poland, representing Jagiellonian University, and the second place was won by the Ukrainian team from Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University. But the third place was won by students from Poland, who represented Charles University in Prague.
All students appreciated the opportunity to participate in such an event, this was an opportunity not only to gain new knowledge and to test their skills and abilities to deal with various conflict situations, but also to gain international experience and contacts.

In addition to the tournament, there was also an International Mediation conference with professionals from the field of mediation, lecturers and lawyers from different countries. Specialists discussed the news and problems in the mediation industry.
The tournament and conference were organized by Mykolas Romeris University from Lithuania. Both events took place within the framework of the ERASMUS + Strategic Partnership project, and was part of project dissemination activities.
Presentation from the Conference can be found HERE.