On January 24, 2019 mediation professionals will meet in Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania to discuss the peculiarities of practicing mediation, different mediation practice and learning experiences around Europe.

Mediation – one of the most popular ADR methods – enjoys rapid development all over the world. Project partners from 6 countries - Latvia, Lithuania, Austria, Italy, Bulgaria and Czech Republic - almost 3 years have been implementing Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership project in frame of which they have developed different mediation teaching and study materials and created on-line training tool.

In the Conference participants will have possibility to explore products developed in frame of the project and also to participate in presentations about interesting topics related mediation and its development in partner countries.

Language of the event will be English. Participation in the Conference is charge free.

If you are interested to participate, please apply by sending you name and surname, represented organisation name and contact details to e-mail address: mediacija.lab@mruni.eu.

Program of the event is available here.