Intensive course on mediation in Riga, Latvia

40 students from the universities of Latvia, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Italy, Austria and Czech Republic participate in the course of mediation. Students in the course acquire skills in managing the mediation process, develop intercultural communication skills and get acquainted with modern online tools and solutions in the field of mediation.

During the intensive course of mediation project partners tested the new mediation platform that will be available in the spring of 2019 for international mock for students who study mediation in different universities around the world. As evidenced by the current trends in dispute resolution, more and more disputes are solved by discussing issues online by parties and the mediator. Therefore, the mediation platform created under the international project managed by Turiba on the Internet enables students to train with this method of resolving disputes.

For the students it was great possibility to discover topic of mediation, train their skills, visit different institutions working with mediation and meet professional mediators. Also students discovered Riga, cooperated in the international team trained their team work and communication skills.