An international conference “Learning and Practicing Mediation” was held on January 24, 2019 in Mykolas Romeris University (Lithuania). The conference was attended by more than 100 participants, among whom were students, teachers, lawyers, mediators, governmental and NGO employees from Lithuania, Latvia, Poland and other countries.
Vice-dean of the Faculty of Law assoc. prof. dr. Dovilė Gailiūtė – Janušonė opened the Conference, welcomed participants of the conference and underlined growing importance of mediation. The first presentation “Mediators and advocates: partners or rivals? Towards the goal of settlement of disputes” was given by Turība University lecturer Dana Rone (Latvia). In her presentation analysis of benefits in cooperation between both justice professions was given to foster immediate resolution of disputes. The next speaker was advocate and mediator Natalija Kaminskiene from Mykolas Romeris University describing “Mediation in Lithuanian Law and Recent Developments of Family Mediation in Lithuania”. The speaker presented recent legal reforms in the mediation sector of Lithuania. Professor Sascha Ferz from University of Graz (Austria) in his speech “Mediation Law in Austria” described theoretical and practical aspects of mediation in the contemporary legal environment. A lawyer and mediator Francesca Cuomo Ulloa from University of Genoa (Italy) presented novelties about “Mandatory mediation: recent developments and practical experience in Italy”. Her speech was followed by lively discussions with the audience about compatibility of mandatory mediation with a voluntariness principle. Professor Eliza Nikolova, a president of Professional Association of Mediators in Bulgaria shared with the audience presentation about “Mediation in Bulgaria”.
The conference was followed by long and fruitful panel discussions about development and problematics of mediation in European Union. Numerous questions were asked to the speakers, as well as the audience shared their experience in mediation sector. This conference was one of the largest mediation events in the region and increased interest in this ADR method, as well as promoted Online Study Platform // as modern tool for learning mediation.
Here you can find presentations from the Conference:
“Mediators and advocates: partners or rivals? Towards the goal of settlement of disputes”
Dana Rone, Turība University, Latvia
“Mediation in Lithuanian Law and Recent Developments of Family Mediation in Lithuania”
Natalija Kaminskiene, Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania
“Mediation Law in Austria”
Sascha Fer, University of Graz, Austria
“Mandatory mediation: recent developments and practical experience in Italy”
Francesca Cuomo Ulloa, University of Genoa, Italy
“Mediation in Bulgaria”
Eliza Nikolova, University af National and World Economy, Bulgaria
“Innovative methods of training of mediators: example of OSPM project”
Dana Rone, Turība University, Latvia